
Hollywood is bad for your sex life. Sure, the big screen is all about fantasy and escapism, but it's hard not to watch impossibly perfect 20-foot-high sex without feeling a little insecure about your squinty orgasm face (to say nothing of those dying cow noises you can't help but make in the throes of passion). So in this month's March issue of Glamour, we outline the 8 big sex myths propagated by the mainstream film industry to make you all feel better about your sexual capabilities. (Standing-up shower sex? Uh, we don't think so). The editors over at The Glam have also added a slideshow of famous sex scenes rated either "Realistic" or "Unrealistic"--see if you agree.

Now, indie and foreign films? That's usually a whole 'nother story. Check out this great commercial for MEDIA, the EU's support program for the European audiovisual industry that we discovered via somehow it's both arty and realistic, no? And it's no surprise that the Nerve/IFC list of the 50 Greatest Sex Scenes in Cinema has so few traditional blockbusters: they're mostly either indie (9 Songs), old school (Don't Look Now), or outside the U.S. (Y Tu Mama Tambien), and portray sex in all its messy, sad, hilarious and/or fucked up glory. (Nerve's also got a pretty comprehensive Sex Scene Database, though it's a bitch to navigate).

So, if we're talking realism here, what do you think is the greatest movie sex scene of all time?



Killing Me Softly - every single scene, but especially the first one when they first meet, and the (hopefully) famous strangulation scene at the log cabin. That movie is hot hot hot, and although quite unrealistic, it's still one of my favourites, and it's worth watching for Joseph Fiennes. And the bondage scene. *wink*

Wild Orchid (Mickey Rourke as a young, tortured sex god)- the last scene is mind-blowing.

The Number 23 - the first sex scene between the detective and his italian lover, it is one of the most artistic sex scenes ever, and the music is addictive.

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Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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