06.27.2008  BY EM & LO
A weekly round-up of our own favorite sex-related musings on the Web:


Ira said:

Thanks for the compliment!


I've enjoyed reading this blog for quite some time, and I've yet to have any moral issues with any post... Unfortunately, your thinly-veiled annoyance with the Glamour blog is fucking ridiculous. Women who knowingly fuck married men ARE whores. This isn't an insult, but rather a mere, and I'd even dare to venture, OBJECTIVE statement. Such women do not care who they hurt or when they hurt...

Men who don't like commitment are readily available, and "Maria's" argument falls flat. In my experience, such women are addicted to stirring up drama or even like the idea of fucking someone over, perhaps because they themselves were cheated on.

In any case, what's the real problem with this blog that, in your words, "rails against" "whores"? Writer Christine Coppa should be applauded.

Em & Lo said:

Whoa there Nelly. Wethinks you totally misread our post. We agree: people who hook up with those they know are in committed, supposedly monogamous relationships is way wrong -- we'll even call it evil. Not sure if they're as heinous as the person who made the commitment to monogamy in the first place and who's now cheating, but yes, it's bad. Duh. We still think it's kinda funny that Christine Coppa doesn't really come out and call them whores herself but titles her url that. We're not annoyed by that, we just got a kick out of its harshness. You know, like, Damn, girl! Okay? It sounds like you've been burned by one of these "whores" before, and for that we're sorry. But gee whiz, dial it down a notch. Don't be so quick to hate on the rest of us ladies, esp when we're on your side.

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[Body By Glamour ad]

Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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