Back when we were younger, we used to think that there would eventually come a day when we'd no longer find fart jokes or penis euphemisms funny. But we are now coming to the realization that we may still be laughing at both in the nursing home. (After all, just think of all the new variations on these two themes when you and/or your peers lose control of both mechanisms.) So, yeah, we have to admit that in addition to Puzzle Farter, we also kind of love the site Woody's World of Penis Euphemisms. Sure, there's plenty to hate there (twat washer?! puh-lease) but for every doozie like twelve inch train of pain there's a throbbing purple spear of destiny. And we can't decide whether to love or hate baldy-headed spunk-juice dispenser. (Okay, so the word "spunk" is never funny, but "baldy-headed" almost makes up for it.) We may have to use cornstalk cowboy in our next book. And the General? Now that's a classic that we could almost see using in bed. Almost.

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Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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