06.20.2008  BY EM & LO

We thought there was no such thing as bad safer sex advice as long as the info was accurate and clear. And then we checked out SexHealthGuru.com, which went live last week. We love the IDEA of the site: give the computer-savvy generation a Web site of short, entertaining videos about sexual health issues like STDs, birth control, and sex skills that can hold their atrophied attention. The EXECUTION, however, just gives us the creeps. The art direction of the site is schizophrenic and low-budge, reminding of us of a video report for health class that a ninth-grader might make with iMovie and an all-access pass to StockVault.net.

Take the vid called "Understanding HPV"--info-wise, it's really great; aesthetically, it's got the style and class of a Britney home video. There's the catatonic gynecologist (bless her), the stock photography of creepy and consistently male doctors examining patients (see the worst example above! Hello, Hand That Rocks the Cradle), and the graphic genital shots that come without warning--we're all for showing the harsh realities of STDs, but give us a second to brace ourselves before we see any up-close-and-personal crotch shots!...

Oh, how we wanted to love Sex Health Guru unconditionally. But still, the question remains: Why does sex ed have to suck so hard?

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Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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