
Em & Lo,

I am a 68-year-old, single great-grandmother and I have been celibate for at least 20 years. Well, I've been getting urges and don't quite know what to do about them. I currently don't have any male companionship so I thought about toys. What would you suggest?

Yay! It's never too late to start treating yourself right. Since you're obviously computer savvy, we recommend visiting a female-friendly, online sex toy store like or Once there, do a search for ergonomic toys (we linked these two stores' urls to their respective "ergonomic" search results pages to save you the trouble)--the results will almost always feature well-made, nicely designed toys, like Fun Factory's Delight (pictured above), that are easy to use and don't come in any cheap, offensive packaging. Take a look and think about what you'd like: external vibration, penetration, or both? Based on your answer to that question, pick a toy that fits that description as well as your price range (if possible, we'd be willing to spend at least 50 bucks). And make sure you also get some nice, glycerin-free, water-based lube. As we get older, things tend to get a little more dry downtown--lubricant will help grease the wheels of your toy exploration.

Happy Tinkering!
Em & Lo


Pussy said:

Hi grandma!
yea i read out ur problem and find it is really quite interesting for the women.

Toys! and lotion cant talk back at ya… They do what we all need without the hassle.

Toys! are a great way get to get what you need, without all the baggage that a woman brings into the mix 90% of the time.

virginia plain said:

I just purchased the Delight and can attest to the fact that it redefines the term "user friendly". Well worth the price!


I am a 67 yr young woman who was celibate for 10 years. Two years ago I met my current lover and have rediscovered sex. We use toys together - not always but If one wants to we both's amazing. My lover is 56 and has a hard time keeping up w/me...I could have sex at least 2x day if he were available.

betterthe2ndtimearound said:

I'm over 50 and thought I was weird because I still enjoy sex -- very, very much. This is my second marriage and sex this time around is so much better. Unfortunately, my husband doesn't share my enthusiasm as often as I do,( I could go every night and still want more) but I love him very much and when it does happen, it's fantastic. Very much worth the wait. I just hate to wait!! lol Sometimes "taking care of him" does it for me, believe it or not. It's not always about me. I so enjoy pleasing him. And I know he enjoys pleasing me too. I have a few "toys", but will definitely check out the sites listed in the article. Thanks for letting me know there's nothing wrong with me enjoying and wanting sex -- now if I could just convince my husband!! It's usually the other way around. We joke about it all the time. lol



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Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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