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Our inbox is overflowing and we'll never get to all the lonely hearts, so each week, one reader's fate will be left up to the masses. Answer this reader's question by filling out the poll after the jump:

Dear Em & Lo,
I am a 48-year-old woman and I need to find a way to curb my sex drive. I presently do not have a partner. My relationship ended months ago. I try to take care of myself but it makes me crave human touch even more. I am not a one-night stand person and have only had two partners my entire life. I would be a lot better off if I could stop these raging hormones.

--Desperate Housewife


Sarah said:

PS Knitting is totally sexy.

svutlana said:

How can you be desperate housewife if no have partner?

Can understand Svutlana rage hormone complete, but there be only one cure for this and knit needle no even come close! Suggest me she use Sex Degree of Separation principle that state that there be (at most) friend of friend of friend of friend of friend of friend who have solution for her problem.

Dick said:

Ohh! You are what every man dreams of! Look around, I am sure you will find on. If not, drop me a line :-) I would love to have an open, honest partner like you.


Mark said:

If it's sex she's craving, I don't see the problem with pleasuring herself even more - or the FWB option - but there's also seeking nonsexual close physical contact. When I saw her quote, I thought "This is someone more in need of a good hour-long hug..."

LOVE the blog.



Regal said:

i think its great for you to have such a big appetite for great sex this is only the beginning, when you do come across that one man who will be able to satisfy you physically as well as spiritually then and only then will your appetite decrease because theres more to it than meets the eye i know from experience. i to have a great need for great sex all the time but its frustrating not to fullfill that need. i think you and i should meet sometime and discuss it on a more personal level.


Okay... I am 42 and have had raging hormones for 2 years now!!! Drives me nuts actually!! But I feel your pain! I stayed celebate for almost 1 1/2 years... and had enough!! Working out doesn't work!! And I am extremely picky when it comes to men and relationships. So I entertained A friend w/ benefits. Plus it is more fun this way! Best thing it has been a road to self discovery.. and it's a great ride..We both have taught each other new and interesting things. Best thing is there are no demands on each other... so we enjoy each other. I am not saying not to look for Mr. Right..but when your not searching for him he'll probably drop right in your lap !!!

Sunshine said:

I feel your pain, it's very frustrating to want sex all the time. It can become an obsession. The desire to smell, taste, touch and be touched. It can be the only thing you can think about.

Being an older woman and hitting that peak is like something I've never known! Sex is always on my mind. I run, bike, and take long hot baths. I'll try anything to distract myself. But it's still there burning, throbbing, I've had sex last night, twice this morning already and it's only 10:30am and I'm ready for more.

Go out and get you some! Ahhhh the freedom of being single! You'll feel better and sleep better. Don't forget to protect yourself. Have fun girl!

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Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.

Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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