11.27.2007  BY EM & LO
A player friend of ours who is not typically sartorially challenged recently showed off his latest purchase: a silver winter ski jacket. And we mean really silver. Like, aluminum foil silver. Space-suit silver. Total dork jacket, in other words. "But you should see what happens when I wear this out to the clubs!" he said. "It's the ultimate ice-breaker. Girls just walk right up and talk to me!" Sure, they might be rolling their eyes and saying, "Houston, we have a problem"--but everyone knows that we only tease the ones we lust after.

Turns out our player friend had inadvertently stumbled upon one of the cornerstones of the art of the pick-up. VH1's master pick-up artist (PUA) Mystery calls it peacocking: wearing something flamboyant (an item of "flair," in Office Space lingo) in order to attract female attention. He's fond of a pink boa or a top-hat. Because unless you look like Bill Gates or have tape on your coke-bottle glasses, women will assume that you must be sure of yourself to wear something like that. And confidence = sexy. Meaning, yes, our player friend would like to dedicate this season of casual sex to his space suit. Ladies, do you think you've ever fallen for a peacock move? Men, have you ever tried it? And would it work the other way around--can women peacock, too? If so, what might qualify as lady-flair?


lucy said:

I fall for bow ties everytime. Clearly a peacock move. And my boyfriend use to hold his glasses together with a bent paperclip shaped into a thunder bolt....guess I'm pretty susceptible to plumage!

Heather said:

um...not sure if I'd lust after space-suit/pink boa /pete wentz-type players, but smart specs pretty much do me in.

Kris said:

Ah! I'm still daydreaming about a boy I saw at a Soho restaurant a whole year ago just 'cos he was wearing an adorable yellow and white polka dotted bow tie. If I wasn't seated so far away, I would've complimented him (ya know, by calling him a dorkus or something...) in a heart beat. I hate to agree with the PUA, but he's onto something here...

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We hate to break it to you schmucks (and we mean schmuck in the most loving, Yiddish-for-penis way): Size matters. There, we said it. But in the immortal words of Einstein (and no doubt he was talking about skin flutes), it's all relative. What's a perfectly shaped cuke to one person is a disappointing pig-in-a-blanket to another and an overwhelming meat loaf to yet another.
From The Big Bang

Em & Lo, more formally known as Emma Taylor and Lorelei Sharkey, are the self-proclaimed Emily Posts of the modern bedroom.
Dr. Kate is an OB/GYN at one of the largest teaching hospitals in New York City.

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